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Location & Time

"Let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the day drawing near.”



 Hebrews 10:24-25

Sunday Mornings 10 AM

Youth Bible study @ 8:30AM Sundays
Childcare provided - ages birth to 7 yrs

New to Center City?





We are located in Downtown Albuquerque. Parking is a bit difficult to navigate. We have two parking lots in front and behind our building. If those happen to be full, there are a number of street parking spaces available in the surrounding neighborhood. These are marked below.

To enter the church building, you have a few options. There are two doors on the northeast and southeast sides of the building, and the last door is on the southwest side.




Children of all ages are welcome to sit in our adult Sunday service!


In addition, we provide child care for children up to the age of 7. Children can be checked-in near the southwest building entrance at the beginning of the service. For children over age 7, we provide resources for children to follow along with the sermon.  Please talk to one of our greeters for help getting checked-in or getting sermon resources for older children.  


What to Expect

Our services are typically 40 minutes

and are expositional teaching in form.

Come as you are, ready to participate in service through singing, listening to a sermon, and building new relationships through shared experience of fellowship.

If you own a Bible, please bring it. If you do not own one, we'd love to gift you one when you visit. 

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