Senior Pastor
Job Description
Senior Pastor
Ministry Overview
Center City Evangelical Free Church, in alignment with God’s vision, is seeking a man with a pastoral calling to teach, shepherd, and oversee the congregation to preach the Gospel of Christ in downtown Albuquerque.
This position is best understood as working in conjunction with a plurality of elders and as such he will fulfill the biblical job description of a Pastor/Teacher/Equipper as outlined in Ephesians 4:11-13.
As a Pastor, he will serve as the primary shepherd, responsible for the care of the flock (John 21:15-17; Acts 20:28-30; 1 Peter 5:1-3).
As a Teacher, he will be the primary preacher and teacher, responsible for feeding the flock through sound biblical teaching of God’s Word (Acts 6:4, 1 Timothy 4:13; 2 Timothy 2:15; 4:1-4,).
As an Equipper, he will help the church grow in maturity, discipleship, unity, and evangelism by training and building up members of the body to handle God’s Word, as well as identifying, training, and developing new leaders in the church (Acts 6:1-4; Colossians 1:28-29; 2 Timothy 2:1-2)​​
Ministry Qualifications
The Senior Pastor must be male (1 Timothy 3:2; Titus 1:6), an exemplary Christian, capable of providing spiritual leadership in accordance with the biblical qualifications of an elder (1 Timothy 3:1-7; Titus 1:7-9). In addition, the Senior Pastor must meet the following qualifications:
A testimony of saving faith in Jesus Christ and a life consistent with that testimony.
An advanced theological degree from an accredited seminary or other religious institution, or equivalent experience handling God’s Word.
Agreement with the EFCA Statement of Faith as a valid expression of Christian belief.
Be ordained in the EFCA, or be willing to pursue ordination if not already ordained.
Demonstrate competency in preaching and teaching God’s Word.
A calling for ministry in a downtown community.
Acknowledge membership (both Pastor and his wife, if applicable) in Center City Church upon employment.
Ministry Responsibilities
This section outlines the ministry responsibilities of the selected candidate.
Spiritual Shepherd
Provide pastoral care and counseling as needed, particularly in crisis situations. Refer to other counselors as necessary.
Help foster a culture of congregational care.
Oversee matters of church discipline in conjunction with the elders.
Preside over church ceremonies, including communion, baptisms, weddings, and funerals.
Biblical Teacher
Prepare and deliver Biblically-based, expository, gospel-centered sermons and devotionals, in keeping with the church’s doctrinal statement, for Sunday services and other occasions as needed.
Collaborate with the church staff for various worship services.
Lead or teach Bible studies and classes (e.g., Wednesday night Bible Study).
Equipping Overseer
Serve as an elder in conjunction with other elders to:
Implement the church vision, provide encouragement and oversight for the church.
Develop and implement strategies and activities in alignment with the Lord’s vision for the church.
Oversee the development, mentoring, and equipping of new church leaders.
Encourage and empower the congregation to participate in the church’s vision and ministry.
Plan and deliver a regular preaching calendar (e.g., quarterly, semiannually).
Administrative Overseer
Lead and supervise staff.
Receiving elder shepherding for the purpose of soul care.
The following can be delegated to other elders
Oversee the selection of guest preachers/speakers.
Oversee New Member Classes for those interested in joining the church.
Ministry Classification
This is a regular, full-time, exempt salaried position. Although the Senior Pastor is expected to be available 24/7 for emergencies, the position should typically average 40 hours per week.
The Senior Pastor is accountable to the Elders.