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Church Membership

".....Why does it matter if I'm a member...... Isn't it enough to just be a Christian......Why do I have to take a class to become a member?" 

It is common for us to get these kind of questions regarding our membership process. We ask much of our members because we take church membership seriously. Committing yourself to a body of believers is weighty, But it’s also wonderful! When members join, they are deciding to be "all in" at Center City Church. They commit to a spiritual family that provides encouragement and support. 

Below is an outline of the process for joining Center City Church

Side by Side

Side-by-Side is a 6 week class on the:


  • Statement of Faith

  • The Gospel

  • Biblical Peacemaking

  • Evangelism and Discipleship

  • Life in the Church

  • History & Vision

Going through the Side-by-Side class does not commit you to membership, but it is the first step in the membership process. The class is designed to help us get to know you and you to know the church. 

Elder Interview

Following the Side-by-Side class, if you are still interested in joining Center City Church, then the next step is scheduling an interview with the elders. Our aim in the interview is to make sure you understood the material covered in the Side-by-Side class. We want to hear your testimony of salvation, make sure you understand the direction of the church, and learn more about your spiritual gifts can be used in the life of the church. This is also a great opportunity for you to ask any questions you might have about the church. 


We have all our new members share their testimony with the church. We will let you share your testimony any way you are comfortable: in person, have someone read, video. We do this for two reasons: 


1) We want our members to listen for and affirm the work of the gospel in one another’s lives


2) We see the church as a family and we want our members to know a little of the story of new family members. 

Member Approval

After sharing your testimony, our current members will receive you as a member at our next quarterly member’s meeting. At this meeting the current members will share affirmation of Gospel fruits in the prospective member's life. It's a joyful time of receiving in new members to the congregation. The membership process takes some time, but it's a rewarding journey both for the Christian and the church. 

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