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Our mission is to unwaveringly and unashamedly preach of our Savior, crucified for our sins. To preach Christ crucified and reach the downtown communities with the transformative love and grace of Jesus Christ, fostering a vibrant, inclusive, and compassionate community grounded in biblical truth. As followers of Jesus, we desperately depend upon the Gospel to loosen sin’s remaining grip in our lives and sanctify us into Christ’s image. We must also declare that good news to those in our city who do not profess faith in Christ. “How will they hear without someone preaching?” (Rom 10:14). To sum it up our mission is... To Preach Christ Crucified in our Church and our City



We want to become a beacon of hope and a center for spiritual renewal in the downtown area, where individuals from all walks of life encounter the living Christ, experience authentic community, and are equipped to live out their faith in practical and impactful ways. Since our inception, we believe God has uniquely given Center City Church the vision of locating and ministering in downtown Albuquerque. The clarity of that vision has shone with different levels of brightness, but its presence has always remained. The vision is more than simply meeting downtown. It’s a vision for the joy of the Gospel to shine brightly in a community of our city darkened by poverty, corruption, crime, and sin. If someone were to ask you what you think of when you think of downtown Albuquerque, what would you say? It’s our desire, for that word to be joy. Joy because of the presence of the Gospel. Joy that comes from sins forgiven, from justice upheld, from righteousness practiced, from truth clarified. This kind of joy is what the Gospel declares, promises, and delivers. Out of this belief we’ve crafted the vision statement of Center City Church as.

It’s our vision at Center City Church to bring Gospel producing joy to the downtown communities of Albuquerque through the church’s faithful proclamation and presence of the Gospel in downtown Albuquerque



In carrying out the vision of bringing joy to the city, our intent isn’t to limit the designation of city purely to Albuquerque or even urban centers. That may be where we begin, but its not where the vision ends. Instead, the designation of city in our values represents those outside the walls of our church. It represents those in Albuquerque who have never professed faith in Christ, as well as the Sky Tomb people of Nepal who have never heard the name of Jesus. The work of the early church in Acts was one that was constantly on the move, taking the message of the Gospel to new limits beyond its present reach. To value the city is to value the spread of the Gospel, over the hoarding of the Gospel. We must go and we must proclaim in our city and to the ends of the earth. Click on the icons below to learn more about missions supported by Center City Church.

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